Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why do you like Twilight?

A very important question popped up today in work.

I was on my usual daily rant about Robert Pattinson and Twilight etc, and my colleague, who has never read the books or seen the film, asked me why exactly I liked the film.
I said because of the amazing books, and he asked what was so important about the books....
And my brilliant reply?
Uh they're just cool.... i really defended Twilight well there!!!

It has got me thinking though...

I don't know actually know why i love Twilight, i just do and i cant explain it!
I have a major obsession which came out of no where and i don't know why...

Is it the love story?

The vampires and werewolves?

The angst?

Really want to hear your views on this!

Comment Below and let me know!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

KOL Concert

As many of you will already know,

The cast of Twilight last night got to relax with each other
at a Kings of Leon concert in Vancouver, before Eclipse filming starts on August 17th...
Nothing much to report on that front, except this...

It looks like the Robsten Rumours are all true!!! =O

I have been a Robsten supporter in the past, wishing, hoping, wanting, and praying for them to go public with their love! But after a while, their body language changed and I have now finally become OK with admitting to myself that yes, I am now a Nonsten.
But these photo's do look like they're kissing...

(Ahh I am so god damn hating Kristen right now!!!)

Part of me is still saying no way! As it kinda looks like he's at a funny angle for a kiss, and there's a bit of a distance between the both of them (looks like K-Stew has her legs up on the balcony and is sitting at an angle, it's difficult to tell!)

(Thanks to RobsessedPattinson for the HQ pic, which i have now ruined with my paint skills!!!)

Looks like he's leaning down to talk to her in my opinion... (What do you think??)

I can't be sure, because I think my brain is still in shock from this!
Plus, its funny how this is the ONLY blurred photo, out of the billions of other photo's taken of the two on this night.

So let me know your opinion.

Is Robsten FINALLY on??

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sign the Petition!

Please sign this petition to bring the Twilight Cast to Dublin!
We never get big premieres here, and i think it would be so unbelievably great!
Even if they were to do a signing or do some promotional work, I'm sure us Irish would remember and reward their visit!
(I personally volunteer to bring Rob out for a drink or two...)

When Peter
came here, there was such a huge hype!
He even did the river dance for us, haha :) (See here.)

Go on, demand they come here!!!!!! You know you want to!
Bring the Legends to the drinking capital of the world!
I'm sure Rob would be happy to go for a few pints if they came over... :)

Demand the Twilight cast in Dublin!
the Twilight cast in Dublin - Learn more about this Eventful Demand

View all Dublin events on Eventful

Robert Pattinson - Never Think

I actually made this a few months back... YouTube deleted the song though grr!!
So I'm trying it again...

Enjoy! =)

His music proves that not only is he sexy as hell!!! But he can sing too, he's so talented...
Ya gotta love the guy haha


Check this out guys!
imagine all of these Robert's dancing for u...oh i think i might need a cold shower from the

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Yes it IS still available but shhhh...;)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Obsessed much?

Click on the title.....'s Robert Pattinson's butt crack...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fan Made Jacob Black poster

Thanks to for sharing this amazing picture!

Twilight fan, Kate, made an ingenous poster of Jacob Black and wow, is it good!
The effects used make it look like it should be official! Make sure you share it with all of your friends!

Wow, almost makes me Team Jacob!!!

Send me in your pictures and ill post them up and spread the word!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson... heard the name before?
Well, unless you've been hiding under a rock for the last two years, you should have!!!
He is best know for playing the most perfect man on earth, the vampire known as Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga's first Book to Film adaptation 'Twilight', and is affectionately known as R-Pattz to his thousands of fans.
He has also starred in many other films such as;
'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire', in which he plays Cedric Diggory, an aspiring young man who loses his life to magic;
'How to be', in which he portrays a young man trying to find himself,
and he has just finished up acting in a new film to be released in 2010, called 'Remember Me'.
I'm sure there are many of his followers out there, much like myself, who have all been blindly pulled into the Robmania that has overcome the US and Europe since the release of Twilight in November 2008.
Rob has been described (And i personally agree with all of these!) as Amazing, Sexy, Down to Earth, and just a 'regular guy', which may be the key to his success.
Many websites such as,, and; and even twitter sites such as Everythingrob, ROBsessedBlog and Thinking Of Rob, have all fast been born onto the world-wide-web, and have grown in popularity day by day.
These sites have legions of fans running behind them, committed to bringing the latest Robert Pattinson news to their followers, providing a place for R-Pattz's fans to discuss how brilliant an actor he is, and dissect his every move from his Love-Life to his Walks to the Bathroom.
When reading these blogs, it is difficult not to recognise what everyone else can see in this young, aspiring actor. However, being the sceptic that I am, I'm always wondering if the descriptions of this young man really do describe him well, or is it just the media doing a good job of painting a perfect picture of him?
What if he really ISN'T the hero? What if he IS actually the bad guy, but his roles hide his true nature?
In a recent blog entry by, a source on the set of his last film 'Remember Me' (Out in Theatres February 12, 2010) is quoted as saying;

“I don’t know what the guy’s problem is, he goes from his trailer to the shoot and completely ignores all the fans who have been waiting around to see him. It’s so obnoxious.”
“We had a couple days where it was really hot on set, and he wanted a specific kind of water, an iced lemonade, all this stuff that we didn’t have.
So this poor assistant had to run around getting all these things. He wasn’t even thankful.”

This description of Robert is a far cry away from both his fans, and his fellow cast member's thoughts on his personality. Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen in 'Twilight') is quoted as saying;

"Rob’s always like, “I don’t belong here, what’s going on?” He’s not the most sociable. He’s not one of those people who can go and talk to anyone. He’s kind of a hermit and a little awkward. He got thrust into this limelight, but he’s dealing with it. I think it’d be kind of difficult for anyone."

Indeed, his success has been a whirlwind.
Many people worry that the media have latched on to his story, just to have a something to sell, and are afraid of the repercussions of this sudden rise in fame.
Robert himself has been quoted as saying;
''Just last year I couldn't even get a date, and then this year... it's so bizarre that everybody just changes their mind at the same time"

So do you think this N.Y 'source' was under-researched and quickly paid to say anything - just so the media could get a rumour going? Was this particular person just having a bad day, or was he actually telling the truth?
Fans have recently launched a campaign to protect Robert Pattinson from the media, (You can read the article HERE) as they feel that he is treated badly,not only by the media, but also by over-zealous fans.
There have been times when I have watched a clips from YouTube which show him walking around airports, getting followed home from nights out, getting photo's taken of him literally every second of the day, and generally being harassed by everyone, and you can really see in his eyes and his body language that he dislikes it, so much so, that he now has to be surrounded by security guards who have told him not to interact with his fans - For his own Safety.
For me, it mirrors the actions of Australian actor Heath Ledger, who spent most of his short life asking the media to leave him alone, even though most of the articles on him were all good reports. However when his death occurred, he was painted as a drug-fuelled self-indulgent man, due to his lack of love for the paparazzi.
The same could be said for Robert's attitude to the media.
You could open a paper next week, and read an article stating Robert snubbed fans, took drugs and acted rudely toward all the staff in the hotel he was staying in at the time, there may even be pictures, but would you believe it? Or would you think it was just a way to get publicity for him - any publicity is good publicity - and most importantly, would it change your perspective on him if it were true?

In an interview with Teen Vogue, Miley Cyrus made an interesting statement;

“I’m not a huge Rob Pattinson fan. Girls aren’t really in love with Rob; they’re in love with Edward.”

Which brings up a valid question...

Are fan's visions of R-Pattz warped by the character's he portrays in his acting?
If he had played Cam Gigandet's part as the bad-boy-vampire in 'Twilight', would fans still be devoutly following him or would all of this fame be all on Cam Gigandet?

Comment and let me know your thoughts!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

60 reasons how you know when you're addicted to theTwilight Saga...

  1. You've read all four and a half books more than ten times!!
  2. It's all you think about.
  3. You throw a hyper-fit when you see a silver Volvo.
  4. You want Bella's truck so badly, you'd trade a Porsche for it.
  5. You want to be a vampire.
  6. The covers of the books are your desktop, mobile phone background, A4 folder covers etc.
  7. You stalk the actors and actresses that are in the movie.
  8. You go crazy when someone asks what its about, how could they not know??
  9. When you try explain the books, you aren't coherent because you're distracted by the thoughts.
  10. You start loving the rain and cloudy days, and wonder if vampires are out playing baseball when you hear thunder.
  11. You order twilight-related merchandise off the internet if it;s not available in your country, even though you already know what is going to be in it, and you've seen it all before!
  12. You get gold contacts.
  13. You charge at someone who mentions something negative about Twilight.
  14. You claim that you smell blood, to be like Bella.
  15. You call your boyfriend Edward, forgetting that you're not actually Bella Swan.
  16. You're constantly talking/thinking about the difference between Edward and Jacob and who you'd choose.
  17. Every time you eat a red apple you say, "Remember in Twilight, when...".
  18. Everything you say is Twilight related.
  19. You ask your parents for a red late fifties/early sixties Chevy truck / a shiny silver Volvo for your birthday.
  20. Your dream vacation is to go to Forks, Washington, and you google Isle Esme, just incase...
  21. You take an instant liking to anyone with the name Alice, Jasper, Edward, Emmett, Carlisle, or Esme.
  22. You take an instant DIS-liking to anyone named Rosalie, Victoria, Laurent, James, Aro, Demetri, Jane, Alec, or Marcus.
  23. You started dating a guy named Edward and tell him to go outside to see if he would sparkle.
  24. You freak out when you meet someone named Edward.
  25. When you keep thinking about the books day and night.
  26. When you google everyday to keep up-to-date on what's happening with the series and the movie.
  27. You raise your standards in guys to include 'sparkles in the sun', 'vampire', and 'hard as stone'.
  28. Someone says i own a Volvo you turn your head.
  29. You pour glitter over your boyfriend, just to get the effect.
  30. You convince your friends to read the books (if they haven't already) so that they won't think you're crazy in the theatre.
  31. The word theatre reminds you of the books
  32. You saved Midnight Sun in your computer and can't wait until the rest of it to is published, so you make up your own version and type it out, with you as Bella.
  33. You downloaded the 40 minute free audio book in iTunes.
  34. You name your puppy Jasper, Jacob or Edward.
  35. You wish someone you know is a vampire.
  36. You have dreams about the books.
  37. You read over these and you agree with them ALL!
  38. You don't want to go out with anyone that isn't like Edward Cullen!
  39. You bore your parents to death talking about Twilight 24/7.
  40. You stay shut in your room ALL day to read the Twilight books.
  41. When you think Edward is the most amazing guy ever, and want a boyfriend JUST like him!
  42. You dream about Twilight every single night!
  43. When you spend every hour at work talking about the books with your friends.
  44. When said conversations turn others into Twilight fanatics.
  45. When you dream about a fictional character in a really intimate way.
  46. When you use quotes from the book on a daily basis.
  47. When you spend hour upon hour looking at photos, videos, and listening to the soundtrack.
  48. When you wished more than anything that vampires really were real......
  49. When you're so freakishly obsessed with Edward Cullen that you CRAVE him!
  50. If you cried when Edward left poor Bella, but also felt sympathetic towards him!
  51. Forks sounds like heaven to you!
  52. If you love Emmett as a brother.
  53. You're friends / family think your mad and roll their eyes when you say 'I was reading twilight the other day...'.
  54. You wish you were related to Alice and Jasper.
  55. You want Carlisle as your doctor!
  56. You take all the twilight-related quizzes there possibly are on facebook, myspace, bebo etc.
  57. You know the proposed release dates of all of the films.
  58. When interfering old aunts ask if you've found you're 'knight in shining armour' yet, and you reply quickly with 'i don't actually want a knight in shining armour, i want a vampire in a shining Volvo'
  59. When talking about Twilight, you tell your friends that you love Edward Cullen, and when they reply by pointing out that he is a fictional character, you visualise yourself ripping their heads off for ruining your fantasy!
  60. And Finally... when you re-read twilight, new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn over and over again after reading this... just to get your Edward fix...

    I'm sure there is more reasons i could put up, but I want to know what you guys think?
    Let me know how or when you realised you were addicted!


Welcome to my blogging page!

I set this blog up, as i have a slight problem...
My name is Jessica Moran...and i am OBSESSED with the twilight saga by Stephanie Meyer!

Everyone laughs when i say this but it's no joke!
I think i will need therapy once the films are over and the books have gone off the radar!
I set this blog up to hopefully get in touch with other like-minded fanatics, so

A: I can keep up to date on all things twilated


B: so i know I'm not alone!

There isn't a lot of Irish twilight fans around Dublin where i live, so any suggestions for my page, let me know! I'll try update this page reguarly, not only with news but maybe even with a few quizzes or something, i'll see what i can do! =) So i shall love you and leave you all now, to set the rest of the page up!

Love Jessie xoxox