Sunday, July 26, 2009

60 reasons how you know when you're addicted to theTwilight Saga...

  1. You've read all four and a half books more than ten times!!
  2. It's all you think about.
  3. You throw a hyper-fit when you see a silver Volvo.
  4. You want Bella's truck so badly, you'd trade a Porsche for it.
  5. You want to be a vampire.
  6. The covers of the books are your desktop, mobile phone background, A4 folder covers etc.
  7. You stalk the actors and actresses that are in the movie.
  8. You go crazy when someone asks what its about, how could they not know??
  9. When you try explain the books, you aren't coherent because you're distracted by the thoughts.
  10. You start loving the rain and cloudy days, and wonder if vampires are out playing baseball when you hear thunder.
  11. You order twilight-related merchandise off the internet if it;s not available in your country, even though you already know what is going to be in it, and you've seen it all before!
  12. You get gold contacts.
  13. You charge at someone who mentions something negative about Twilight.
  14. You claim that you smell blood, to be like Bella.
  15. You call your boyfriend Edward, forgetting that you're not actually Bella Swan.
  16. You're constantly talking/thinking about the difference between Edward and Jacob and who you'd choose.
  17. Every time you eat a red apple you say, "Remember in Twilight, when...".
  18. Everything you say is Twilight related.
  19. You ask your parents for a red late fifties/early sixties Chevy truck / a shiny silver Volvo for your birthday.
  20. Your dream vacation is to go to Forks, Washington, and you google Isle Esme, just incase...
  21. You take an instant liking to anyone with the name Alice, Jasper, Edward, Emmett, Carlisle, or Esme.
  22. You take an instant DIS-liking to anyone named Rosalie, Victoria, Laurent, James, Aro, Demetri, Jane, Alec, or Marcus.
  23. You started dating a guy named Edward and tell him to go outside to see if he would sparkle.
  24. You freak out when you meet someone named Edward.
  25. When you keep thinking about the books day and night.
  26. When you google everyday to keep up-to-date on what's happening with the series and the movie.
  27. You raise your standards in guys to include 'sparkles in the sun', 'vampire', and 'hard as stone'.
  28. Someone says i own a Volvo you turn your head.
  29. You pour glitter over your boyfriend, just to get the effect.
  30. You convince your friends to read the books (if they haven't already) so that they won't think you're crazy in the theatre.
  31. The word theatre reminds you of the books
  32. You saved Midnight Sun in your computer and can't wait until the rest of it to is published, so you make up your own version and type it out, with you as Bella.
  33. You downloaded the 40 minute free audio book in iTunes.
  34. You name your puppy Jasper, Jacob or Edward.
  35. You wish someone you know is a vampire.
  36. You have dreams about the books.
  37. You read over these and you agree with them ALL!
  38. You don't want to go out with anyone that isn't like Edward Cullen!
  39. You bore your parents to death talking about Twilight 24/7.
  40. You stay shut in your room ALL day to read the Twilight books.
  41. When you think Edward is the most amazing guy ever, and want a boyfriend JUST like him!
  42. You dream about Twilight every single night!
  43. When you spend every hour at work talking about the books with your friends.
  44. When said conversations turn others into Twilight fanatics.
  45. When you dream about a fictional character in a really intimate way.
  46. When you use quotes from the book on a daily basis.
  47. When you spend hour upon hour looking at photos, videos, and listening to the soundtrack.
  48. When you wished more than anything that vampires really were real......
  49. When you're so freakishly obsessed with Edward Cullen that you CRAVE him!
  50. If you cried when Edward left poor Bella, but also felt sympathetic towards him!
  51. Forks sounds like heaven to you!
  52. If you love Emmett as a brother.
  53. You're friends / family think your mad and roll their eyes when you say 'I was reading twilight the other day...'.
  54. You wish you were related to Alice and Jasper.
  55. You want Carlisle as your doctor!
  56. You take all the twilight-related quizzes there possibly are on facebook, myspace, bebo etc.
  57. You know the proposed release dates of all of the films.
  58. When interfering old aunts ask if you've found you're 'knight in shining armour' yet, and you reply quickly with 'i don't actually want a knight in shining armour, i want a vampire in a shining Volvo'
  59. When talking about Twilight, you tell your friends that you love Edward Cullen, and when they reply by pointing out that he is a fictional character, you visualise yourself ripping their heads off for ruining your fantasy!
  60. And Finally... when you re-read twilight, new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn over and over again after reading this... just to get your Edward fix...

    I'm sure there is more reasons i could put up, but I want to know what you guys think?
    Let me know how or when you realised you were addicted!


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